“I would like to thank …Andy Graham for teaching me how to fully understand and make the most of a guitar and persuading me to sing when I was 13 years old, without you I truly doubt I would be doing what I am doing now.”
(James Veck-Gilodi from Deaf Havana – written on sleeve notes to Old Souls album)
“Been trying to teach myself guitar for many years now and have made more progress in 5 lessons with Andy than I did in 5 years on my own.”
“Andy is a fantastic tutor in terms of both musicianship and developing as a person. He is greatly understanding as a mentor and highlights all important factors in his lessons that will help you become the great musician you desire to be.”
“Andy is very good at getting new students off on their way to becoming a very successful guitarist. He allows you to learn whatever songs you want and sets up workshops so you can get to play in a group.”
“Greatly useful to learn the theory which is taught in a way so it is easy to understand. This shows in his playing which flows beautifully.”
“Fun learning in a friendly atmosphere.”
“I had been playing guitar for many years but had stopped progressing through lack of musical knowledge. Andy taught me a great deal of theory which has re-stimulated my interest in the guitar and helped me to explore areas I was unaware of, making progress and enjoying the guitar more than ever.”
“Of all the things I have learnt during my lessons with Andy, the biggest thing for me is he has given me confidence to enjoy and have self belief when playing especially improvisation.”
“Over 10 years of learning guitar Andy has been the one teacher I keep coming back to. His enthusiasm and passion for the guitar really rubs off on you.”
“Andy is a great teacher, full of insightful knowledge too! Not only does he introduce me to all types of guitar playing but he also introduces me to all kinds of different music … my iTunes playlist has never been so varied. I always come back to Andy when back from uni, he brings the best out of my guitar playing.”
“Andy teaches in a patient and enthusiastic way. He is very encouraging and gives plenty of praise and spends time working on the challenging bits to make sure Matthew understands them.”
(Matthews mum)
“I feel lessons are tailored individually to my own needs. Every lesson is different & I learn as much about the history of music as I do about the actual playing. Perfect!”
“Great fun, loved every minute.”
“His laid back manner is great and doesn’t make you feel like you have to get everything right all the time.”
“Thank you for teaching Madison, she really enjoys her lessons with you and always at dinner on Monday evenings she says they are the best part of her day.”
(Madison’s mum)
“A huge thanks to you for being so influential in Lewis’s musical life.”
(Lewis’s mum)
“An A&R director is bringing the CEO of Sony UK here in a couple of weeks… so all getting a bit serious!! Will keep you in the loop as you have to take a bit of credit for all of this.”
(Mark & Jimmy Rockit)
“Will I ever be able to play this damn guitar?”
After about three/four years of earnest practice I was introduced to a folk club. It was at one of these meets that I met Andrew Graham, initially I thought him just as a very accomplished player and singer who seemed to play the type of music that I liked. I then learnt that he taught guitar and after some investigation managed to get hold of his number.
I wasn’t to know that my first call to him would change my whole attitude to playing the guitar. Andy, I soon came to learn, has such a wide musical knowledge, understanding and this coupled with an ability to teach and pass on his knowledge understanding with balanced well thought out guidance, tips on personal skills development that has made my guitar playing and musical ability a million miles from where it was at during that initial lesson.
Andy didn’t seem to care that I couldn’t do so much and spent time and energy teaching and encouraging my understanding. Finding and addressing my level of competence in a way that gave me the confidence to progress with my playing and at a pace that was/is manageable. It didn’t seem to phase him that I had forgotten things he just went back over the points, sometimes from a different angle make sure that I understood and had grasped the point.
Andy is a great teacher as well as being an excellent guitarist in just about any genre or style that you can think of. I am yet to name or mention a song that he hasn’t heard of or can’t play after a moment’s listening. His knowledge and musical ability coupled with his affable nature encourage and empower the student. I found my way, I may never be a rock star but I will always be grateful for my lesson time with Andy and apart from my Martin D35 Guitar the best investment that I have ever made in my music.
“If there’s a key descriptor that comes to mind for Andy it is patience.”
“Andy has provided me with the confidence to play music wherever. His knowledge and teaching ability has provided me with enough drive to know that I’ll always play music, this wouldn’t have been accomplished without the true inspiration I have received in my time as one of his students. Not just my teacher, but a good friend.”
“Thank you for your lesson – Ruth loved it and I think learned more than her whole term at school.”
(Ruth’s mum)
“You are clearly doing a great job with a lot of young people, it’s much appreciated.”
(Jake Morrell’s mum)
“A big thank you for taking me on for work experience at such short notice. I’ve only known you for two weeks but it felt like I was with you for ages because I had so much fun.”
“Just wanted to let you know how the talent show went. Felix was first on, and did brilliantly – he wasn’t the winner but the judges implied he was a close second. Jasper also did brilliantly and was actually the winner of his class.”
(Jasper and Felix’s mum)